Events - 7 Oct 18


Date/Time Event
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Penfold Centre, Wandsworth London
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Penfold Centre, Wandsworth London

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Your privacy is important to us, and we want to communicate with church members in a way which has their consent, and which is in line with UK law on data protection. As a result of a change in UK law, we now need your consent to how we contact you. Please fill in the contact details you want us to use to communicate with you.

By signing this form you are confirming that you are consenting to Junction Community Church – New Testament Assembly (NTA) holding and processing your personal data for the following purposes (please tick the boxes where you grant consent):

I consent to the church contacting me by:
You can grant consent to all the purposes; one of the purposes or none of the purposes. Where you do not grant consent we will not be able to use your personal data; (so for example we may not be able to let you know about forthcoming services and events); except in certain limited situations, such as where required to do so by law or to protect members of the public from serious harm. You can withdraw or change your consent at any time by contacting the Church Administrator at 30 Union Road, Acts House, CR0 2XU or email Please note that all processing of your personal data will cease once you have withdrawn consent, other than where this is required by law, but this will not affect any personal data that has already been processed prior to this point.